Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Weston, Colorado

what's up, west

Northeast PA winter was wet and snowier than usual.  I spent it holed up at 539 Thomas Street with Sancho M. Panza and felines Midge, Kevin, Allen & Chevy.  We brewed a brown ale and a milk stout.  Sanch furthered her whittling craftsmanship.  I knit a lot of thongs and beer cozies.  We got really into "Extreme Sledding."  Lots of family dinners and Wawa(R) touch-screen deli offerings.

Hit the road with Chevy and Allen sitting on our laps.  Arrived on April 20.

mountain home
 exhausted Norbie + canyon cabin 4/20
chevron loves the loft

Allen befriends the dogs

 Some things we've done so far as resident "land hands:"
  • planted lots of things
  • chickenwired the fence in yard so chicks can run free
  • split a lot of wood w/ maul (mostly Sanch)
  • prepared wood-fired hot tub
  • worked on campground
  • dug a deep shit hole in rocky earth
  • drove the '92 F-150 (Aud)
  • cleaned chicken coop
  • cleaned yard
  • made rock walls and cairns (mostly Aud)
  • tore down a shed (Sanch)
  • painted trail signs
  • chainsawed a ton (Sanch)
Besides that we've been hanging out with 6 dogs 6 cats & 4 people - Stacy & Chanson (who own the farm) and WWOOFers Jen and Monica.

Monica, Sancho, Jen - West Spanish Peak

Sancho descends

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