Friday, November 12, 2010

Bangor, Michigan

We've been in Bangor since Tuesday.  Our dear friend Solomon works here at Eaters' Guild farm.  It is owned by an amazing family -- Laurie & Lee + their 9-year-old daughter Iris  + 1-year-old son Leif.  Solomon has a sweet job that includes child care, house care, animal care, vegetable care, construction, teaching, and art.

We enjoyed hanging out with Iris - a sassy, supersmart girl who knows what she wants and knows how to get it.  You had to respect her.

Yesterday we helped Iris print her woodblocks on cards to sell at an art festival this weekend.  I'd say they're professional caliber.

Other farmhands/all purpose utility helpers are Heather, Lee, and Matt.  Everyone, without exception, was great & beautiful.  Solomon has worked on many farms, and he says that the people here at Eaters' Guild are exceptional.  It was nice to meet some queers, too.

The first night we arrived Laurie made us (and everyone else on the farm) an epic dinner of dal & palak paneer.  The dinner lasted for 3 hours!  It was incredible.

Food here is great.  It felt good to go out in the field and bring back some kale to cook up for lunch.  On Wednesday, we harvested beets and carrots in the morning, then spent the afternoon sorting and boxing squash.  Last night we had a squash tasting party.  We skipped the common ones (butternut, acorn, spaghetti, pumpkin) and sampled delicato, buttercup, and thelma sanders.

Solomon and Diamond

The goats were sweet.  We visited them at night -- it was so cute to watch the moms cuddling their kids (while snoring). Laurie makes lots of goat cheese from the goat milk.
Mike the donkey (or unicorn)



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